Saturday, September 6, 2008

Around the world in 80...minutes?

Well we didn't go around the world, but we finally went exploring to some of the great sight-seeing places around Idaho and Wyoming since we have lived here for six years and never go anywhere! We woke up today and decided to pack lunch and hop in the car and go to jackson hole, a great tourist/rich person town where you can't afford to buy anything but it sure is cute!
These are the Elk horn archs in the park in Jackson hole-Kenzie and I mourned for them, but were also a little amazed at the sheer amount!

While gazing intently out the window, the scenery just wasn't interesting enough.
This gorgeous river was outside the whole way home, Paul kept getting mad because I was reading a book aloud and I kept stopping to gawk at the scenery.

This is the Teton Dam. It broke back in the 70s and flooded the whole area, it's huge and pretty scary to imagine when it flooded!
This is the path that the water took all the way to Rexburg there in the distance.
We enjoyed our geology lesson at the Dam.

We had to stop a couple of times to make sure we didn't go in the wrong direction, since everything looked like Oregon!
It was a really fun day, we got to see some great sites and had a fun trip. I was pleased to be able to scream the words "Dam" and "Hay" out the window at the corresponding sites ( I'm sure my dad can remember us doing this when we were kids!) I did forget to make hurling sounds through the mountain switchbacks ( sorry Jessica, I will remember next time!)


Patti said...

What a fun ride. Jackson Hole is one of our very favorite places. You can't find anything much more beautiful than the scenery in that area. I'm glad you had a fun time!

Alie and James said...

I love Jackson Hole! That looks like so much fun. It is beautiful there.