Saturday, February 9, 2008

School Projects

I have all art and theater classes this semester so I am doing a lot of projects. Here are just a few that I finished these past few days. The first one is a still life I did for watercolor class. It use to look a lot better but my teacher painted on it and made me change it to was she wanted and so now its not as pretty, but I better still get an A! Second is a sky picture for watercolor class with some little faeries in it. I like that one but I don't like that my frame cut off the tree that was there! The next two are costume designs for my costume class for "As You Like it" and the bottom one is also for that class and it is just 1700s dress.


Post-it Notes said...

Wow! You are so talented!

Alie and James said...

Good job! Those all look great. I am so glad you love art.

Lorie said...

You must have inherited your mothers artistic ability! Good job! I thought we had a lot of snow here in Logan until I saw your pictures! You win!